Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Bobby Petrino Is Back

Before there ever was/wasn't a Lenay Kekua, there was Bobby Petrino.  Never in my life have I seen the sports world pounce on a story with more delight.  This notorious offensive guru was formerly famous for jumping ship for greener pastures every single year.  He is up to his old tricks in that regard, coming full circle back to Louisville after one year at Western Kentucky, but let's not forget how he got back to square one.

Simply put, Bobby Petrino was banging Jessica Dorrell, an assistant to the Athletic Department at Arkansas.  She's definitely cute, but the kicker was that she was currently engaged to another employee in the Athletic Department.  Not only was Petrino blatantly showing preferential treatment with her various promotions and upgrades in pay, but he then also decided to have a tandem ride on his motorcycle to wherever that day's tryst was to take place.  Can you imagine the most recognizable person in your city riding a motorcycle to a hotel with his mistress hanging off the back? And then crashing said bike, and then lying about it to everyone (including police), and then having a presser looking like this?  This whole sordid tale was just so storybook amazing, it seemed...

Between Rick Pitino & Bobby Petrino, Louisville is now flush with class acts all the way.  Lastly, I'll leave you with an amazing flowchart of Petrino's illustrious career.

UPDATE - I accidentally stumbled across Rick Pitino's mistress's abortion/extortion demands. Enjoy.

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