Monday, March 31, 2014

Weekend Roundup Including Riot Bro

This video of some blacked out Arizona bro (in some sweet boardies) wearing a bunch of pepper spray paint balls to the chest is what college is all about.  Too drunk to care about anything.  His team just lost a game they should've won, so I completely understand where he's coming from.  Nothing could hurt worse than that.  Except of course that hangover and these welts.

In other news, I've long thought that selling ice is the greatest scam ever for some asshole to make millions.  I am here to let everyone know that I was wrong... I had not yet thought of selling air.  You can't get much more basic than that.  Pollution is currently so bad in China that a company is selling mountain air to people desperate for a smog-less breath of fresh air.  Not even oxygen, but mountain air (with presumably less oxygen).  10-1 odds these things are filled with bike pumps or an air compressor, not from the mountains.  I've seen a lot of good scams in my day, but this one might take the cake.

And as if I needed one more reason to love the Angels on opening day, here are the prices for proposing at the ballpark.  No one from Orange County would be that cheesy.

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