Thursday, October 9, 2014

USC Sigma Alpha Epsilon Shuttered By Nationals

Annenberg TV News - Sigma Alpha Epsilon national headquarters announced the closure of the California Gamma chapter at USC as of Tuesday evening. It said the fraternity’s failure to follow the organization’s guidelines and principles prompted the decision.

According to a statement from the national headquarters, the chapter was unable to maintain an “alcohol-free housing status,” and did not “comply with cease-and-desist orders,” which called to suspend all activity during investigation or sanctions. According to the statement other violations included hazing, disregards to health and safety, and an inability to adhere to SAE’s “The True Gentleman” policy.

In the least shocking story I've seen all week, it appears SAE National finally made good on their decade-long threat to close essentially their flagship fraternity house.  The USC SAE house looks like the quintessential fraternity house because movies and commercials have been using it for 30 years.  If an architect was told to draw up a fraternity house from scratch, this Tudor mansion would be the exact template.  Nobody wants to see their illustrious fraternity kicked off the row for 3 years, but I'll be happy as long as SAE can re-colonize where they belong.  (Side Note - I'm not sure re-colonization will ever bring the house back to glory since Nationals made everyone auto-Actives like Lambda Chi.)  The worst part of this whole mess is that if some dumb, drunk cunt from LMU knew how to party at a real school, she wouldn't have fallen off the bar she was twerking on.

My favorite part of this story is that the hammer had to be dropped by SAE Nationals, since USC & the Interfraternity Council lacked the balls to do anything other than putting us on perpetual "referred adjudication," otherwise known as Double-Secret Probation.  Never in my life have I lied as much as I did on those party planning meetings & forms.  SAE had literally never been to a venue that I listed on those forms, as I just used my brown-out memory of the most recent venue for the next party.  It's a good thing we weren't sworn in at those party planning meetings, since I've never more readily and repeatedly lied in the face of DPS officers as I did during those sham request meetings. 

Me - "We are going to have tables of water (lie), as well as tables of appetizers for the guests (lie)."
USC official - "The appetizers need to be low in salt due to the dehydration of the drinkers at the venue in Santa Monica. (venue in Hollywood)"
Me - "I was told that the appetizers were going to be fruits and vegetable platters. (bad lie)"

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe this! Where is everyone going to hang out?? Thank God this didn't happen during my time. I guess if Beta made it work...
