Tuesday, November 25, 2014

#ROFLMAO Hurricane Ferguson Didn't Disappoint

Watching the news yesterday was absolutely incredible.  At lunchtime, I was gifted a high speed chase from Santa Clarita all the way to Century City.  Then the suspect bails on foot after he is completely cornered, and the cops still manage to lose him.  The KCAL9 helicopter was zooming in on random joggers before they accidentally found the perp on one of the roofs.  Thanks @PCALive for another awesome lunch.  And that was just an appetizer for the mayhem that was about to come.

Everyone that follows the news, understands self-defense, or isn't black had to have the same fiendish pleasure watching the looting and tear gas exchanges as Obama pretended that he wasn't stoking race relations.  It was essentially a personification of everything conservative America despises about the black community.  The juxtaposition of Obama talking while Ferguson burns was the only lasting image of the night.  Another one of my favorite pastimes is waiting for dumbfuck athletes to weigh in with their idiotic two cents.  LeBron James & Reggie Bush decided to bring the stupid last night like no other athletes could.  Reggie repping the Palestinians is so. fucking. dumb.  Fuck You Reggie.

Fox News did a great job last night, although Chris Cuomo at CNN was getting most of the props for reporting through a bunch of tear gas explosions without even flinching.  This was probably the funniest back & forth with an eyewitness reporter all night.

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