Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Josh Shaw Admits He Lied About Nephew

So I don't know why it took as long as it did, but this afternoon Josh Shaw finally fessed up about fabricating the Palmdale drowning nephew story.  It appears he was at his girlfriend's USC apartment, and the cops were called due to loud screaming.  After the police knocked on the door, an eyewitness reported someone fitting Shaw's description "shimmying" down the building.  His girlfriend's 3rd floor balcony was 20 feet off the ground.  I don't know why he felt the need to run from the cops, but now he has dueling high-ankle sprains.

Sarkisian announced Shaw has suspended from all team activities indefinitely, and I imagine it will probably stay that way for the rest of the season.  At best Sark will sit him out a few games once he comes back from his injuries.  I've never been more worried about a game against Fresno State.  Our team couldn't have been focused on football for the past two days.  I still think we win but don't cover the 21 points.

I have no idea why Josh Shaw would make up some an unnecessary lie.  It's insanely stupid.  I did appreciate his sister Asia Shaw speaking to USA Today as his ironclad alibi.  There are still so many unanswered questions.  Why did he flea?  If his girlfriend was assaulted, the cops would have a record of an assault instead of an attempted robbery.  Did he actually steal anything?  Why has he lawyered up?  It'll be interesting to see his lawyer's statement this afternoon, but I doubt it will address any of these lingering questions.  At least it wasn't a fake dead girlfriend, but I'm already sick of the drowning nephew jokes.

In other news, I laughed my ass off to Rick Neuhiesel's "Stairway to Playoffs" parody in the car this morning.  He's remarkably talented in comparison to that bumbling idiot coach who got blown out fifty to nothing.

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