Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Wives of the SEC Segment Brings You Jen Bielema

Beside every great coach is a coach's wife, except of course in Bret Bielema's case.  The whole video is worth a watch, but you can fast forward to the 2:15 mark for Bielema's space cadet of a wife, Jen Bielema.  The actual Arkansas media guide tells the story of them meeting at a blackjack table in Las Vegas, but my favorite part is where it says she had no idea who he was for 4 months.  Total and complete bullshit.  It would take an even smaller brain than hers to be incapable of figuring out who Bret from Wisconsin was in real life.  There's a 90% chance she knew who he was when she first started talking to him.  No one is in Vegas alone, unless she was "working," so her friends would've found out from other people in the casino.  The "I had no idea the ugly fat guy I was talking to for 4 months was rich" argument isn't going to work on me Jen so save it.  I looked through all of her pictures on Instagram (@jennicoleb), and she thankfully doesn't have a single one with Bret.

I can only imagine how quickly Jen posted this photo of her looking much better than Britney Spears.  Her fingers literally couldn't work her iPhone quickly enough.

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