Tuesday, January 7, 2014

We Aren't ALL Sparks

I saw the petition We Are ALL Sparks on Twitter, and it started me thinking... How much longer does the WNBA really have?  I believe women's sports is alive and well abroad, but broadcasting it in the United States is clearly not feasible.  After some very quick investigating, I have found out that the WNBA's contract with ESPN runs through 2016.  Some unverified reports have the NBA subsidizing the WNBA to the tune of $12 million per year.  That seems extremely light, but I guess ESPN could be overpaying hugely for those TV deals (on David Stern's orders).  But the question remains - when does the propping up of an unprofitable enterprise like the WNBA move from a "cost of doing business" to a full blown philanthropy for the NBA?

PS - Can you imagine if we instead called it MNBA for men only? The feminists would crucify David Stern as discriminatory against women, but discriminating against men from participating in their league... crickets.  That's how you know feminists are a complete waste of oxygen.  They can't even comprehend the stupidity of their own hypocrisy.

PPS - Don't even get me started on the slave auction draft.

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